My Work

Improving your web presence can do a lot for you: Providing a place for interested parties to find and learn about what you offer, buiding trust and prestige, bonding with your audience and much more.

Soon you'll have a responsive and accessible site that reflects your professional aesthetics and values while sending a clear message to anyone that visits.

Our Process

We'll have a conversation about your project, and i'll deliver a proposal accordingly.

This proposal will include the budget, time line, and a mock-up of the website.

Once you agree to the proposal, we can move on into coding your site.

During this time, you'll receive updates on how the work is progressing until is time for deployment.

Once finished, your code will be deployed and your website will be tested and delivered as promised.

My Services

My clients recieve a website with a responsive design, good SEO, and proper web accessibility.

I also provide maintenance services for my customers. If you can't or do not wish to mantain the site on your own, feel free to ask.


Take a look at some of my projects.

Artist Portfolio Page

Landing Page for a colorful Artist Portfolio made with HTML and Sass CSS.

XRT Movies App

React Movie app that consumes the IMDB API to provide movie details on clic.

Coffee Suscription Box

Mock site for a fictional coffee suscription site, made with HTML and Tailwind CSS.

German Learning Audio Board

Pictograghic language learning board. You shoud probably watch the video on github, or try the live site for the audio.

Movie search and autocomplete

Made with JavaScript, Node, Express, MongoDB, HTML5, CSS3. This project uses a movie data base to search and autocomplete the inputed title.

Spice Girls API and Demo

The most necessary API of 2022! Just kidding, haha. Demo site for it too, that also consumes the spotify API for the music.

My Stack

I currently use Html 5, CSS 3, Javascript and the MERN stack (React, Node, Express, MongoDB).
Additionally, Typescript and Sass to extend JS and CSS capabilities.
Occationally I also use Tailwind and Bootstrap.
To work with APIs my prefered tools are Postman and GraphQL.

html5 icon css3 logo javascript icon react logo node logo express icon mongodb logo sass logo typescript logo tailwind logo bootstrap icon postman logo graph ql logo git icon github icon

About Me

I'm a digital marketer turned web developer, that enojoys working on intesting coding projects.

I believe in continuous learning and the ability to have fun doing it.

Also, before you ask me if I can code Under Pressure you should know that I'm a Queen fan.

I speak english and spanish, currently learning german.

Thanks for reading! Hope to hear from you soon!